Removal of unwanted hair has become the most popular cosmetic treatment in recent years for women as well as for an increasing number of men. Laser hair removal will work on almost any part of the body, from your legs, bikini line, arms, chin, upper lip, face and neck, to even your back or shoulders, practically anywhere. We have the Cutera CoolGlide Laser, which is safe for all skin types.

​The Cutera CoolGlide Laser is currently the best laser hair removal system on the market for all skin types and tones, from light to dark, including tanned patients. Its unique design, longer wavelength, and innovative cooling design, allow extremely effective, safe and permanent results.

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The Effectiveness of Laser Hair Removal:

The effectiveness of laser hair removal depends on the individual’s characteristics, including skin type, hair type and pigment. We will determine the best possible solution for your characteristics, helping you decide which hair removal treatment option will produce the most beneficial results.

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal:

During consultation, we will discuss the factors that determine whether the procedure is likely to work well for you. This meeting generally includes: Your medical history. First, we need to know about conditions you have or have had, as well as any medications you’re taking. Photographs are then taken of the area to be treated. We use these photos for before-and-after assessments and long-term reviews. We explain the risks, benefits and expectations and what you might expect from laser hair removal treatment. As a sun tan increases your risk of side effects, we will wait until the tan fades completely before starting laser hair removal treatment. Laser hair removal treatment destroys the hair follicles. For most effective treatment, avoid waxing, plucking the hair, or electrolysis for about three weeks before treatment. As laser hair removal treatment is most effective if hairs are visible buy shaved short, you can shave the day of the procedure.

After Laser Hair Removal:

Some patients experience symptoms similar to a slight sunburn: you may notice some redness and swelling during the first few hours, and perhaps some stinging for the first 24 to 48 hours. However, these side effects are normally mild and no medications or bandages are necessary. As perspiration may increase irritation of the treated areas, you should avoid exercise and exertion for the first 24 hours. You should avoid exposure to the sun for several weeks after treatment. Always make certain to apply sunscreen after this period whenever you are likely to be in the sun. Always avoid tanning booths as the ultraviolet light damages the skin. Gently wash the treated area with soap and water. Never rub, scrub, pick at, or manipulate the treated areas.

Facial Hair Removal:

Laser Facial Hair Removal in women is one of our most popular procedures, especially in women who suffer from chin and upper lip hair. Laser facial hair removal is fast, safe and more comfortable than other popular methods such as waxing or electrolysis: it is a perfect “lunchtime treatment.” Laser hair treatment attacks the roots of the hair and therefore, unlike waxing and electrolysis, you do not need to let the hair grow out. We are able to provide customized treatments for different skin tones to ensure optimal results for our patients.

Bikini Line Hair Removal:

Laser hair removal is fast and virtually pain free, and eliminates the need for painful waxing, or those unsightly and painful razor bumps. Laser hair treatment destroys the hair root follicles and so, even the dark hair normally visible after shaving will no longer be seen.

Chest and Abdominal Hair Removal:

Another favorite for our patients! If you prefer a smooth, hairless appearance, or just to reduce the amount of chest hair, our trained laser practitioners will provide your desired look. Most treatments take about thirty minutes to complete. Women may also suffer from unwanted hair around the nipple area. Our practitioners will discretely remove these hairs permanently with minimal discomfort.

Underarm Hair Removal:

Permanent under arm hair removal provides the benefits of avoiding underarm rash and razor burn, eradicating those dark hairs that appear under the skin, and most importantly, the discomfort of applying deodorant to newly shaved skin. Our permanent laser underarm hair removal treatments are fast and easy, often taking less than fifteen minutes to perform. If you never want to worry again about wearing a sleeveless dress or top, swim suit, or raising your arms in public, our underarm permanent laser hair removal treatment is for you.