Age Healthier, Live Happier
Your hormones are one of the most important regulatory systems embedded in your body. They act as messengers, designed to interact with specific target cells and organs and provoke a change or result. As we age, hormone production changes, and hormonal imbalance can occur. Unbalanced hormones can have a variety of side effects and symptoms.
What is Pellet Therapy?
Pellets are tiny, custom-compounded therapies for symptoms that stem from hormonal imbalances. This therapy keeps hormone levels consistent through the day and avoids rollercoaster-like effects from orally administered or topically administered hormones. The pellets BioTE uses contains bio-identical hormones, derived from natural sources. The pellets contain hormones identical to the ones found in the human body. Studies have shown that bio-identical hormones have fewer side effects than synthetic hormones.
What type of pharmacies do we work with at BioTE Medical?
The hormones BioTE Medical uses in our pellets are custom-compounded. BioTE Medical uses highly specialized pharmacies that are registered with the FDA. The pellets are compliant to the FDA sterility process. BioTE Medical pharmacies employ environmental monitoring per every pellet batch. This is all overseen by a dedicated FDA compliance officer.
What kind of estrogen is in the bio-identical pellets?
BioTE Medical uses bio-identical estradiol in the pellets, meaning that the chemical structure is the same as the hormones naturally produced in your body.
Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)
As each patient’s symptoms are unique, so is each patient’s path to hormone optimization. Most patients report some symptom resolution in as little as two to four weeks, but full optimization may take up to six months. Your journey will be customized to fit your specific needs. It takes more than one to two weeks for your hormones to get out of balance, so expect it to take time to resolve.
Pellet Therapy for Women
Many women will experience a hormone imbalance and not even realize it. Symptoms can range from subtle to debilitating and are often masked by medications that are prescribed for anxiety, depression, insomnia, weight gain, and more. Having your hormones checked regularly will reveal whether your hormones are optimized. The good news – BioTE® Medical is here to help.
Hormone Imbalance in Men
Some of the symptoms of hormone imbalance in men include:
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Weight Gain
- Brain Fog
- Decrease Sexual Performance
- Inability to Maintain Muscle Mass
- Depression
- Anxiety